Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Come one come all to the semi-annual drink and draw event at the Toronto School of Art this June 12 (Saturday)! Admission is free, the alcohol is cheap, and the art will be fun. With good music playing in the background, I promise. RSVP to make sure you have a spot.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New painting

Working on this new piece. I had the idea while I was on the Yonge subway, and had the red note pad you see up there, and just came up with this image. I was also listening to Converge at the time, which makes me want to call this piece that. However, it is bad luck to have a name for a painting that hasn't been done yet, I know...

Here's the good draft, I actually have more done as I write this, but I will upload that later I guess.