Friday, June 24, 2011

Feels like coming home

Grimm Life (Watercolour, ink, acrylic, Gouache).

Haven't done a painting in so long. It's so nice to pick up a brush, feels just like home. I did some painting outside in the sun, that was fun, but way too hot! I changed the tattoo she has on her arm at the suggestion from a threadless member. I'll be up for voting soon.


  1. I think that u r one of the best painter in this world.I want more in future better than this.

  2. Hi.Admin..Its so better for me if u share me how to make a such images?

  3. Obviously, anyone feel good after reaching home.. I will also..

  4. I want to put such types of images in my room.

  5. No doubt!I am feeling like all r coming in my home.Really beautiful images.Thanks for your arts!

  6. Your blog really brought some things to light that I never would have thought about before.

  7. House Feels lyrics Comin 'Bonfire: I tried to forget that I tried to do it yourself trying to ban, but something to keep me.

  8. There are very glorious paintings in this post.These are looking very beautiful....

  9. This is very nice image. I really like this image.thank for post.

  10. This is very fantastic image. I like me.I tried to do it yourself. thanks for site.

  11. I think that u r one of the best painter in this world.I want more in future better than this.

  12. I think that u r one of the best painter in this world.I want more in future better than this.

  13. There are very glorious paintings in this post.These are looking very beautiful....
